
Elgacore Matrix – Premium metal-cored wire for the professionals

Specially designed for carbon steel, Elgacore Matrix provides welders with what they expect; true welding excellence every time. Read more about all features in the Elgacore Matrix brochure >>


Welcome to our new website

We are proud to announce that we have relaunched our website! The structure is very similar to the previous one, allowing all its users to easily navigate to all necessary information. We have improved the search function, updated our range of products and made the new website more responsive. Visit www.elgawelding.com on your preferred device, have a look in our Download Centre to provide you with the latest brochures in your local language and follow our news.

Any suggestions and comments are always welcome at website@elgawelding.com.


Visit us at ExpoWELDING 2018

This week we are at ExpoWELDING in Sosnowiec, Poland. Come and learn about our range of consumables!


ELGACORE® MATRIX – Premium metal-cored wire for the professionals

ELGACORE® MATRIX is a revolutionary new metal-cored welding wire designed to ensure maximum performance in both semi-automatic and automation/robot applications. ELGACORE® MATRIX  provides industry leading arc starting, as well as unrivaled feedability, good impact toughness at -40°C, superior metal-wetting ability, reduced silicon islands and an extremely stable arc. The wire is suitable for welding with M21 type shielding gas.

Specially designed for carbon steel, ELGACORE® MATRIX  provides welders with what they expect; true welding excellence every time.


International Fair of Welding Technology And Equipment (31st March – 2nd April 2020) are postponed

Targi Kielce S.A. has just informed us that its International Fair of Welding Technology And Equipment, WELDING, (31st March – 2nd April 2020) will be postponed due to concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Together with our Polish distributor, Idal UMDS sp z o o, we have spent lots of time and effort preparing for the trade show and are disappointed we will not have the chance to meet with you this time. However, out of respect for our employees and show attendees, we believe this is the right decision. Thank you for your understanding.

Targi Kielce S.A. właśnie poinformowały o przełożeniu „Przemysłowej Wiosny“, w tym XV Międzynarodowych Targów Technologii i Urządzeń dla Spawalnictwa (31 marca – 2 kwietnia 2020) z uwagi na obawy związane z pogarszającą się sytuacją epidemiologiczną (COVID-19). Wraz z naszym polskim dystrybutorem, firmą Idal UMDS sp z o o, włożyliśmy wiele czasu i wysiłku w przygotowanie tej imprezy i jesteśmy zawiedzeni, iż tym razem nie uda nam się spotkać z Państwem w Kielcach. Jednakże, z uwagi na szacunek dla pracowników i odwiedzających, uważamy, iż podjęto właściwą decyzję. Dziękujemy za Państwa zrozumienie.