MEGAFIL® 240 M Lichtbogenschweißen mit Metallpulver-Fülldraht (MCAW) Niedriglegiert

MEGAFIL® 240 M is is a seamless metal cored wire designed for welding low alloy steels with around a 1% Ni deposit and applications where low temperature toughness down to -60 ºC is required. The low level of diffusible hydrogen typiccally below 3 ml / 100 g weld metal  minimizes the risk of hydrogen-induced cracking. CTOD tested at -20 °C. Can also be used in some weathering steel applications where color match is not critical. Applications: automatic and mechanized welding, Heavy equipment, Shipbuilding, Structural and Bridge Fabrication, Pressure Vessels etc.







  • EN ISO 17632-A:
  • T 50 6 1Ni M M21 1 H5
  • AWS A5.28:
  • E80C-Ni1 H4


Stromart: DC+

Mechanische Eigenschaften:

  • AWS A5.28:
  • 550 MPa
  • Zugfestigkeit, Rm:
  • 620 MPa
  • Dehnung, A5:
  • 27%
  • Kerbschlagarbeit ISO-V KV J:
  • -60 °C • 90 J
  • Kerbschlagarbeit ISO-V KV J:
  • -40 °C • 120 J